The ellipse path is just a tad stubby on the ends. Look at the end of the curl - the custom shape has such a sharp, gradual finish (which I love). The top one is using my custom shape while the bottom one is the ellipse. Now that I have two of the exact same paths with different shapes, we can compare. If your custom tapered shape is still copied to your clipboard, you can select any existing line, go to the Path Effect Editor, and click " Paste" by the Pattern source. In order for me to compare my new tapered line with the ellipse line, I had to use a pretty neat feature. The easiest way to use this shape as our taper is to select it, copy it to your clipboard, and select Shape: From clipboard on either the Pencil tool or the Pen tool. This is our new tapered shape that we'll be using. Then grab the Nodes tool and select the two middle nodes so that we can Make selected nodes symmetric (which rounds them also).

With it still selected, head up to Path > Object to Path. To start out, use the Rectangle tool to draw a perfect square. The ellipse works well, but I've found a solution for tapered lines that I much more prefer (most of the time). Easily enough, you can just go to Width and adjust it to your liking. This will bring up all of your options to edit your tapered line. To remedy our previous line thickness issue, select your path and click on the Pattern Along Path under Effect list. Head up to Path > Path Effect Editor to open up one of the coolest path editors ever. Bummer.Īlso (for the same reason) no matter how you re-size or redraw your tapered lines, the thickness of your line will always be the same because it's referring to that same ellipse shape every time.

This means that the Fill with fill the inside of your line and that the Stroke will put another line outside of your line. Since this type of tapering is actually using an ellipse stretched out over a path, this tapered line is essentially just an object being manipulated as a path. Step 3Ī few issues I'd like to point out though. Select a line tool such as the Pencil tool and head to the menu where you see Shape. Okay, so maybe you've never done tapered lines in Inkscape before - let's go over the easiest way first. This quick tip will go over the basics of tapered lines, using the Path Effect Editor, and a neat drawing comprised of tapered lines entirely. I love tapered lines in Inkscape because you can make them as simple as you want, or as complicated as you need them.