I was hired at Imaginary Forces in January of 2002 and spent the next ten years working as a designer, director, and creative director. I specifically targeted them as the company I wanted to work for, and after graduation, tailored my portfolio towards motion-based projects to get my foot in the door. In senior year, I noticed the work that Imaginary Forces was doing and was quickly enticed by the motion design industry. I attended the Ringling College of Art and Design and majored in graphic design. To start, could you give us a little background on yourself? Some details on your time with IF as well as your new venture?
And what we liked about what they were doing was that it was an assault on your senses. We figured if you didn't like the movie it would obliterate your brain to the point that you’d think that you did like it.Ī discussion with Creative Director BRIAN MAH of Alma Mater (and formerly of Imaginary Forces during the sequence's production). We might have pitched that to Brian and said, "Can you figure a way to do this?" We didn't want to do bloopers or extra jokes at the end it just felt too tired. So one thought we had initially was to do the Jump Street show end titles idea and to work in little clips.
Amongst the mix of drugs, sex, horse cock, and explosions on the order of ridiculous, there lies a masterful choreography of color and motion.Īlthough rebooting the franchise that made Johnny Depp a household name may have been a tall order for Relativity Media, the task of recapping a film as raunchy and scatterbrained as Jonah Hill’s take on the ’80s classic seems taller still (especially after the climactic twist)! Regardless, Brian Mah's creative team met the challenge and delivered a fitting swansong containing just the right amount of R-rated content while giving a reverent nod to the original series creator, Stephen J. It’s easy to get swept up in the surge of gratuitous imagery delivered by Imaginary Forces for their main-on-end titles to 21 Jump Street.